
This software scans your computer for installed software. This list is compared to a list on a server. After this it shows you more recent versions of your software if there are versions available. New versions are reported thru the client and compared between all software-uptodate users. The version numbers are automatically detected.

Considerations to go out of business! Help or successor wanted!

Hi, I'm running this page and software now since 18 years. 18 years of paying invoices for domains and hardware and keeping care of the server and it's software. Since 2010 there was not a single donation to support me to run this project. Right now the project costs me about 300€/year of my private money. Over this 18 years in service it was 10k€ (is the past the server hardware was more expensive). I'm also run out of interest to maintain the software part of the application an backend. Lots of improvements and updates/upgrades are needed. Specially looking onto the backend part. Since there are new technologies around, the backend could have much more performance now. In short: I don't like to continue this project. The invoices are paid until 2025/08. I'm unsure what is past that date. If you like to takeover this project feel free to contact me.

sudt at quantendrehung de

Update of website CMS (18.12.2014)

Some days ago i installed a update for the cms. Unfortunately i did a mistake and i didn't noticed it because of caches. This was the reason why this side wasn't reachable. But i detected this mistake and corrected it. Side is now back online.

HTTPS security improved (05.04.2014)

Today i changes the security settings of the SSL. I enabled "perfect forward secrecy". Pitfall on this setting is that windows XP computers with IE 6 or IE 7 cannot access this website anymore.

Security has priority - sorry guys.


New server (17.03.2012)

Software-UpToDate got a new server. The new hardware is much more faster than the old one. This should speedup the webpage and the database.

new SSL certificates (21.02.2012)

The webserver needed new certificates for the connection encryption. These where installed today. The old ones expired at beginn of march. The new certificates are a little bit cheaper than the old ones. Don't forget to donate, to keep the service running.

Windows 7 compatible (10.02.2011)

Software-Uptodate has solved the Microsoft Windows 7 logo certifcation with success. Software-Uptodate is now allowed to show the Window 7 logo and is allowed to say 'windows 7 compatible'.

Windows 7 Compatibility Page

Setup Updated (01.20.2009)

Software UpToDate has a new setup. This setup is now localized to german, spanish, french and of course english. The display language is chosen automatically by setup depending on OS settings.

Client Update (01.02.2009)

This new version of Software-UpToDate-Client is now fully translated to English. The communication to the server is now encrypted by SSL per default. Some small bugs are also removed. The reminder at system start can now disabled. Programs can now excluded from the compare process. Software-UpToDate also got a new homepage. Some parts of the new homepage are also translated to English.

Client Update (09.16.2008)

Small update to solve unicode problems. This update also improves communication to server. As soon as i can effort a SSL-certificate encrypted communication will happen.

Server Update (11.05.2007)

I just enable a serverupdate. This one is now capable to assign the most versions of the programs automatically.

Unfortunately some problems occur during the automatic allocation thereby some updates can be enabled inaccurately. Sadly this problem is made by the manufacturer. Most of them are not able to maintan version numbers correctly. My famous example: Who produced the most software? Wrong! It's "your company" the default name of Installshield.

To be next up on the plan is a client update and a revised website.

Apart from that the first clone of SUTD appeared. I personally find this well done. Anyone interested in that clone should feel free to have a look: UpdateStar

Server changes (10.02.2007)

After a small test phase the server moved from PHP4 to PHP5. Unfortunatley service applications have to be adjusted due to XML function changes.

SUTD client version released

New version provides following features:

  • upgrades can be toggled to hide
  • developer versions can be toggled to hide
  • international characters are better supported
  • webproxy support
  • additional program information
  • no need to registry any more

SUTD client version beta 1 released

Waiting comes to an end. The first public beta is now avaible. At this point i like to thank to all closed beta tester.

Hence i give profuse thanks to (random order):

  • seik
  • lampe
  • cissels
  • twilight
  • erasor
  • simu
  • nbaber

choose your language